KSI Receives Two New Vehicles from DTC for Transportation Program

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Flanked by two new 16 passenger wheelchair lift equipped vehicles from Delaware Transit Corp are Jayson D. Crouch KSI CEO, Larry Williams Transportation Manager, Alicia Hollis Director of Community Relations, Ann Haggerty Vice President of Mission Advancement and Cal Jones Director of Operations/ Production. These vehicles add great value to KSI’s transportation program. (Photo courtesy of KSI)

KSI received two new vehicles from the Delaware Transit Corp (DTC) to support its transportation program. Both vehicles are propane, 16 passenger wheelchair lift equipped and will add great value to KSI’s ability to provide community based opportunities to the individuals receiving services.

The goal of the FTA 5310 Program is to encourage and assist in the provision of needed transportation services for elderly and disabled citizens statewide.  Through the administration of this valuable program, the United States Department of Transportation and the State of Delaware are jointly providing increased mobility and accessibility, thus improving the quality of life for Delaware’s elderly and disabled citizens. For over 20 years, KSI has partnered with DTC and the FTA 5310 Program, and has regularly received one to two vehicles a year.  KSI is partnering and assisting DTC by keeping an additional 114 trips per day off the already overburdened DTC system.

KSI’s Transportation program is the backbone of KSI, and makes it possible for people to access our training, employment, and life enrichment services. KSI’s Transportation program allows participants to earn a wage and become contributing members of their communities. Without the specialized transportation KSI provides, the individuals with disabilities that we serve would not be able to access our services, and would not have successful and sustained employment.

KSI is a not for profit agency. In addition to providing transportation, the agency also provides vocational training, employment, community integration, day habilitation, life enrichment, and nutritional services to individuals with disabilities throughout Kent and Sussex Counties.

KSI is committed to making all reasonable accommodations in order to ensure that all programs and services are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. To learn more, visit KSI’s web page at www.ksiinc.org or contact Alicia Hollis, Director of Community Relations, at [email protected], or (302) 422-4014 ext. 3015. Like us on www.facebook.com/KSIWorks.

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