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Many events planned for fall to promote breast cancer awareness

Terry RogersCulture, Delaware Nonprofits, Headlines, Health, Milford Headline Story

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The Monster Mile Walk is just one of many events coming up this fall to benefit DBCC

Although October is recognized as breast cancer awareness month, community partnership breast cancer awareness events and fundraisers begin to take place in September. The cooler fall weather provides a great opportunity for the community to plan or support a DBCC partnership. Partnership events help our organization support survivors in our state who have, and who are currently battling breast cancer.  There are so many fun activities from days and nights out to beer releases to 5ks and walks planned over the next few months, view them all on our website event calendar, and mark your calendars!

One of the most popular events planned this year for October 15 is the Monster Mile Walk for a Cause which allows participants to walk the famous speedway track, the Monster Mile, located at the Dover Motor Speedway. Normally reserved for high speed cars when the NASCAR race comes to Dover, this event has teams of participants dressed in fun outfits walking the mile-long track.

“There is so much energy and excitement at this event,” Lois Wilkinson, Program Director for Kent and Sussex County, said. “At the finish, everyone gathers in the Winner’s Circle where prizes and awards are given out.”

September has many events that will benefit DBCC as well, Bender stated. From September 1 through October 5, Go Pink! t-shirts are available. With a donation of $10 or more, receive a specially designed t-shirt with proceeds going to the mission of DBCC. The shirts are available throughout the state, including at Bayhealth locations, DBCC, businesses and more. Contact 302-672-6435 to learn more about the t-shirt fundraiser.

Crooked Hammock in both Middletown and Lewes will release their new beer, “On Wednesdays,” an homage to a line from the movie “Mean Girls” which says, “On Wednesday’s, we wear pink,” on September 14 while that same day the Dewey Goes Pink Silent Auction Donor Party will be held at the Starboard Shark Tank in Dewy Beach. On September 21, Bras for a Cause will be held in Dewey. Sponsored by the Women’s Council of Realtors of Sussex County, this event has local businesses entering a decorated and themed bra to be auctioned off. The bras are modeled, often by men although women also serve as models, and those in attendance bid on them as they are displayed on the runway. For more information, visit

On October 15, the same day as the Monster Mile Walk for a Cause, the Tory Burch outlet in Rehoboth will donate a percentage of sales to DBCC and, on October 1, Bloom Planners is donating a percentage of all online sales to DBCC. On October 16, the Deerpark in Newark goes pink with a 5k run. On October 23, the Elise Midili 5k Battle at Midnight Oil Brewery in Newark as well as the Breast Cancer Walk with Del State takes place. There is an after party at the brewery following the Elise Midili 5k.

“We also have the DelCastle Golf Tournament coming up on October 10 in New Castle as well as the Stockley Tavern Cornhole Tournament on October 22 in Georgetown,” Wilkinson said. “Boulevard Ford Lincoln Dealership in Lewes is holding a car show to benefit DBCC on November 12 while the Five9Moto Motorcross at Snake Creek in Harrington will also benefit the mission of DBCC.”

Another unique fundraiser planned for October 1 and 2 is the Hammer Down Breast Cancer Battle in Middletown. This event is a Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournament that will raise funds for the organization. There will be 32 players and five rounds with an entry fee of $50. The fee includes entry and a set of clay objective markers. This event will be held at Born to Game at 821 North Broad Street in Middletown. Learn more by visiting

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