Milford Coprorate Center

Milford Corporate Center moves forward

Terry RogersBusiness, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Milford Coprorate Center

With several approvals at a recent council meeting, Milford Corporate Center moves forward

At a recent meeting, Milford City Council approved several contracts that will move the Milford Corporate Center forward. The center will be located at the corner of Milford-Harrington Highway and Canterbury Road.

“In the next year or two, this will be one of the most important things that we’ll be focusing on to bring jobs and economic growth to Milford,” Mayor Todd Culotta said. “This is a great start and for any of the new council members, if you have any questions, please speak up.”

The authorizations approved included construction administration and inspection with KCI Technologies to conduct the bid and construction phase for Phase I of the corporate center. This authorization would include preparation of a bid package for the construction of Phase I, including the sanitary sewage pumping station, administration of the bid procurement package, administration and inspection services.

“We need to put together a bid package and get those bids out to construction companies to provide prices,” City Planner Rob Pierce said. “The total estimated fee for those services from KCI would be $268,6680 and the approval would be to not exceed that amount. It is kind of hard to put a lump sum on this type of service, but this is their best estimate of what it could be.”

The second approval was for a contract with Becker Morgan Group which will support KCI Technologies during the bid and construction phase. This includes bid package coordination, reviewing bid submissions and general construction phase services. The cost for this contract was estimated at $48,000. Councilwoman Madula Kalesis asked what was considered Phase I.

“Phase I would include the entrance at Canterbury Road and Airport Road as well as the service road through the entrance on Route 14,” Pierce said. “It encompasses about half the site and there is a Phase II and III that are more to the center portions toward the Church Hill side of the development. So, this does contain a pretty large portion of the corporate center project.”

Mayor Culotta suggested that Pierce sit down with the new members of council to educate them on the project from the start up to where the city currently stood. The next authorization was for legal services provided by Archer & Greiner.

“As part of the Milford Corporate Center, the city is engaged in with Tsionas and Emory Hill to provide advice on the land developments,” Mark Whitfield, City Manager, said. “Now that we are ready to move forward with construction, we are ready to move forward with a master development agreement with Tsionas Emory Hill, which will cover the management, marketing and the sale of lots. Due to the nuances of such agreements, staff consulted and obtained an engagement proposal from Archer and Greiner, a law firm that specializes in land development agreements.”

The estimated cost of the legal services is $13,000 with funds coming from the Milford Corporate Center Capital Improvement line item. The final authorization for the Milford Corporate Center was also for Becker Morgan Group for $180,500 for the design and construction of transportation improvements.

“A traffic impact study was prepared by Becker Morgan Group and reviewed by DelDOT where it was determined that additional off-site improvements were needed,” Pierce said. “These are changes on Church Hill Road and they are also requiring us to lengthen a right turn lane on Route 14 approaching Canterbury Road.”

All authorizations were approved with a vote of seven to zero as Councilwoman Katrina Wilson was not in attendance.

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