by Terry Rogers
At the November meeting of the Milford School District Board of Education, the board approved a request from Mike Sharp, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, to send out a request for proposal for a construction manager for the district. The construction manager would be responsible for managing the demolition and remodeling of the former Milford Middle School as well as several projects throughout the district.
“I am making a recommendation that Richard Y. Johnson and Son, Inc. be selected for the construction management contract subject to the negotiation process set forth in Section 6982 of the Delaware code,” Sharp said. “If that negotiation process is not successful, the district can come back to the board after negotiating with successor ranked applicants.”
Sharp explained that the renovation and construction portion of the agreement was for the former Middle School. HVAC renovations at Milford High School and an elementary school were also covered under the proposal. Other smaller projects may also be included in the contract.
“I am curious,” School Board Member David Vezmar said. “It says the committee. Who is the committee?” Sharp stated that the committee consisted of himself, Dr. Kevin Dickerson, Superintendent, Dr. Sara Croce, Chief Financial Officer, School Board President Jason Miller and Duane Hendrix, a maintenance employee who is also a union member.
Board Vice-President Rony Baltazar-Lopez asked what base ranking was used to choose Richard Y. Johnson and Sons.
“We ran through the top three,” Sharp said. “Their reputation is stellar, other projects, they came in a couple million dollars less than the competitors htat were brought to the board and just the overall process. It was a unanimous decision.” Dr. Dickerson also stated that the company expertise and experience with several other projects weighed heavily in their favor as well. Sharp confirmed that the company had performed construction management for the Milton and Lewes Elementary schools, both projects that were similar in nature to the middle school project.”
The board approved Richard Y. Johnson and Sons to act as the construction manager for projects in the district unanimously.
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