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Physical Turn-In Nights announced for MSD athletes

Terry RogersHeadlines, Milford Headline Story, Sports

Logo 4Milford School District recently announced that athletes may turn in their physicals on July 16 and August 1 from 5 to 7 PM. The physicals should be turned in to the Carey Simpson Building.

“All families and athletes are encouraged to turn in physicals on those evenings,” Jed Bell, Athletic Director, said. “We would like them to be submitted before the start of fall sports in August. I will be on hand along with the athletic trainer to verify that all forms are completed and that the proper paperwork is turned in.”

Bell reminded athletes that proper paperwork and a current physical are required for participation in sports. For more information, contact Bell at [email protected] or Hannah Stoltz, Athletic Trainer, at [email protected].

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