Milford City Hall

Planning Commission Tuesday will tackle industrial park, Cedar Farms

Katie KazimirGovernment, Headlines


The Milford Planning Commission will tackle rezoning for three projects on Tuesday.

A public hearing on both the Milford Corporate Center industrial park and Red Cedar Farms final major subdivision proposals will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday during the Planning Commission meeting at City Hall.

The city of Milford wants a 182-acre plot at the northwest corner of Milford-Harrington Highway and Canterbury Road rezoned as “final major subdivision” from “industrial, commercial.”

Industrial zoning is for manufacturing, factory and warehouse structures. Commercial zoning is for facilities that provide goods and services. 

A major subdivision is land divided into lots that would require extension of water infrastructure and new streets.

The rezoning would allow for the currently vacant land to be divided into 27 lots that would become part of an industrial business park. 

“The site also includes the construction of a new water tower and sewage pumping station to serve the property and surrounding area,” according to the city’s application.

Red Cedar Farms also wants a rezoning to “final major subdivision.”

The 101 vacant acres on the east side of Bucks Road north of Cedar Neck Road are currently designated “low density residential.”

The purpose of the zoning change would be to build a subdivision of 200 single family detached dwellings.

RELATED STORY: Red Cedar Farms development approved 

Also on the agenda is Teal Creek Plaza requesting an extension on approval of its final site plan for about 3 acres between Luca Lane, Mason Way, Riley Road and Wickersham Lane within the Windward Grove townhouse development.

“The applicant proposes to construct a 4,337 square foot community clubhouse, outdoor swimming pool, dog park and playground,” according to the proposal. 

The developer is seeking an extension on final site plan approval because they were awaiting the outcome of a requested variance for off-street parking requirements before the plan could be complete.

The variance was approved by the Board of Adjusters last week.

RELATRED STORY: Council approves expansion of Teal Creek Plaza

The final site plan, if an extension is granted, will need approval from the state fire marshal and Sussex Conservation District.

This meeting can be watched via zoom or Milford’s website.

Members of the public may also dial in at (312) 626-6799, Webinar ID: 960 6539 5888.

Virtual attendees who wish to comment must register prior to start time of meeting by calling 422-111, Ext.1300 or 1303, or by sending an email to [email protected] and providing the commenter’s name, address, phone number and the specific agenda item commenting on.

All written public comments received prior to the meeting will be read into the record.

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