The new program will help military spouses find employment.

New program helps on-the-move military spouses find jobs

Jarek RutzGovernment, Headlines

The new program will help military spouses find employment.

The new program will help military spouses find employment.

Military spouses in the First State have a new service to help them land jobs.

The Military Spouse Transition Network’s new career program is a partnership between Delaware and the National Association of State Personnel Executives (NASPE), an organization dedicated to improving the communication and exchange of information among state government personnel executives nationwide.

The program is designed to help military spouses employed by state government agencies in the NASPE member states.

Delaware’s Department of Human Resources is extending an invitation to assist with career placement to all military spouses and their dependents relocating to the state. 

To reach a wider audience, Delaware has been engaging with different military branches and sharing information at local hiring events. 

The process starts when the military member receives a Permanent Change of Station notice. 

Once they receive this, military spouses are encouraged to contact the designated MSTN liaison in their home state who will connect them with the appropriate personnel in the receiving state. 

This process facilitates an information exchange, providing military spouses access to a wide array of valuable career services, including resume assistance, skills translation and important professional contacts.

 Those married to military personnel often do not have significant job security, as many have to relocate to new duty stations approximately every three years.

That can create challenges to building professional careers and financial stability. 

Without proper career assistance, military spouses are often left with no choice but to accept lower-paying jobs, leading to professional dissatisfaction and limited workforce participation, stated the Department of Human Resources. 

“We want to go the extra mile to make sure military spouses know that Delaware is a place that values and appreciates their hard work, experience and sacrifice,” said Claire DeMatteis, secretary of the department.

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