
MHS welcomes new assistant principal

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Shervaun Hinton will join the administrative staff of Milford High School as their new assistant principal. Hinton’s initial career was as a Rehabilitation Counselor before she moved into education. “Education is actually my second career,” Hinton said. “Prior to education, I worked as a Rehabilitation Counselor. In doing so, I regularly visited schools providing vocational counseling to students with disabilities. …

Jordan Dutton

Jordan Dutton selected as Milford Central Academy Assistant Principal

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Jordan Dutton was recently selected as the new Assistant Principal at Milford Central Academy. Dutton comes to Milford from Lake Forest School District where he last served as Assistant Principal. Dutton is married and has two young children. “I was born and raised in Milford and currently live in Lincoln,” Dutton said. “I was a Milford School District student up …