
City of Milford invites Public to 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Open House

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines

The City of Milford will host an Open House on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Public Works Facility (180 Vickers Drive) to discuss a requested change to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use.  The property owner of approximately 110 acres of undeveloped land east of State Route 1 requested a change from Low …

MilfordLive Jan 18

Milford LIVE Weekly Review – Jan. 18, 2022

Sonja FreyMilford-live, Weekly Review

This Week’s Top Stories Include: Headlines Council to discuss changes to Comprehensive Plan Culture Food Bank of Delaware to host drive-thru food pantry in each county Business USPS delays blamed on high volume, weather and COVID Business group: Carney must appoint judge of color to replace Slights Government & Politics City Offices closed to the public through January Council looks …


Blessing Frisco lands comprehensive plan designation changed

Terry RogersGovernment & Politics, Headlines

City council approved changes to the Comprehensive Plan for two parcels of lands owned by Joel Blessing In a unanimous vote, Milford City Council approved a request to change the comprehensive land use designation for a property owned by Joel F. Blessing, known as the Blessing/Frisco parcel. This land is located on Holly Hill near the intersection of Milford-Harrington Highway. …


Changes to comp plan approved for Lynch lands

Terry RogersGovernment

City Council approved comprehensive plan changes to land owned by John R. Lynch City Council approved changes to the comprehensive plan for lands owned by John R. Lynch on New Wharf Road in Milford. The comprehensive plan guides future development and determines what areas of the city will be residential and commercial as well as they level of each type …