Wind substation

Experts: Wind-power substation’s rejection an “early Christmas present” for Sussex County

Bradley VasoliGovernment, Environment, Headlines

  By Bradley Vasoli While a proposed Sussex County wind-power substation generated some fanfare among politicians, some energy and environmental experts welcome its rejection by the County Council this week. US Wind envisioned the substation to span over 142 acres in Dagsboro to transport energy generated by offshore wind turbines to the regional transmission grid. The power would travel via …

The complaint asks DNREC to start over and redo its permit process for the offshore wind project.

Complaint filed against DNREC for US Wind project

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Business

The Caesar Rodney Institute and two individuals have asked the Superior Court of the State of Delaware in Sussex County to prohibit the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) from issuing permits for an offshore wind project. “DNREC is not following its own rules and regulations in filing this permit process,” said David Stevenson, director of the Center …