Last week's town hall took an increasingly popular security measure. (Photo from Facebook)

Town Hall takes security measures following national trend

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

A Democrat Town Hall in Kent County organized by Sarah McBride last week added extra security measures for registration, something a national group says is needed to address growing safety concerns. “Campaign security is a major topic of concern for Democratic candidates everywhere,” said Kelly Dietrich, founder and CEO of the National Democratic Training Committee, the largest Democratic campaign training …

The complaint asks DNREC to start over and redo its permit process for the offshore wind project.

Complaint filed against DNREC for US Wind project

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Business

The Caesar Rodney Institute and two individuals have asked the Superior Court of the State of Delaware in Sussex County to prohibit the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) from issuing permits for an offshore wind project. “DNREC is not following its own rules and regulations in filing this permit process,” said David Stevenson, director of the Center …

Polling place

What to know before Tuesday’s primary election

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Government

Just one statewide incumbent and eight sitting members of the Delaware General Assembly will have a primary opponent when the polls open Tuesday. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Incumbent Auditor of Accounts Kathy McGuiness will face off against attorney and accountant Lydia York.  Eight incumbent members of the General Assembly have primary opponents, including Sen. …

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School board elections open to voters Tuesday

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

  After weeks of candidates campaigning, Delaware’s 38 school board candidates face the voters Tuesday, May 10. Polls open on May 10 at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. While school board elections typically draw only 10% of the available voters, many Delaware organizations are hoping for a higher turnout this year. Jane Brady, chairwoman of the Delaware State …

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Conservatives marshal forces as school board elections near

Charles MegginsonEducation, Headlines

Republicans are going all in this year to support their candidates for school board elections that take place in three weeks.  The Delaware State Republican Party is sponsoring a “Super Saturday Day of Action” Saturday to encourage volunteers to meet candidates and help them campaign The right-wing Patriots of Delaware this week sent out an email saying “it’s time to …

State Auditor Kathleen McGuinness

Dems, others call for McGuiness to resign or take leave of absence

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Government

State Auditor Kathleen McGuiness   Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives won’t pursue the impeachment of State Auditor Kathy McGuiness or encourage her to step down in the wake of her criminal indictment. That hasn’t stopped mounting calls for her resignation from fellow elected officials, community members and party leaders. McGuiness was indicted Monday on a slew of felony …

The UK variant of COVID-19 found in three people this month is one of many variants being tracked in the U.S.

State to mandate masks in all schools, state facilities; more rules to come

Charles MegginsonHeadlines, Education, Health

Delaware will require all school teachers, students and staff to wear masks indoors, even for sports.     Gov. John Carney said Tuesday that masks must be worn in all public, private and parochial schools, as well as childcare homes and centers for those over the age of 2.. Carney also said state employees and visitors to state facilities must …

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Brady re-elected Delaware GOP chair amid talk of party unity

bshupeHeadlines, Government & Politics

Jane Brady, back to camera, talks to Republicans Saturday at state convention. Photo by Ethan Lang   Jane Brady was re-elected as chair of the Delaware Republican Party Saturday, beating 2020 gubernatorial candidate Julianne Murray to hold on to her office. The vote came during the party’s convention, which featured a spirited debate between Brady and Murray, as well as …