Penny Square

City expands Downtown Development District

Terry RogersBusiness, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

At a recent meeting, Milford City Council expanded the acreage of the Downtown Development District, a program offered through the Delaware State Housing Authority. Those who are accepted into the DDD program are eligible for a refund of up to 20 percent of qualified real property investments made on residential, commercial, industrial and mixed-use buildings within the boundaries. “If you …

2023 DDD

DDD expansion discussed by council

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

City Council learned at a recent meeting that the Downtown Development District (DDD) could be expanded by 15 acres. Expanding the area could bring more investment into the downtown area, according to Rob Pierce, City Planner. “The State of Delaware in November of 2022 updated their Downtown Development District program guidelines, which increased the local district acreage for municipalities our …

Parker Group Ribbon Cutting 3

Parker Group opens in Pikus Building

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Dustin Parker and his wife, Rachel, initially planned to open a real estate and mortgage broker business in the Josephine Keir building on South Walnut Street. The couple was almost finished with the historic preservation portion of renovating the building, which took about 17 months, when they were approached to sell it. “Zack and Marissa [King] approached us and said …