Property Tax

School board hears how Kent reassessment could impact taxes

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

At a recent meeting, Milford School District Board of Education heard from Dr. Sara Hale, Chief Financial Officer, how the recently completed Kent County property reassessment could have an impact on school taxes in Milford. Prior to the reassessment, Kent County used property values determined in 1986. Sussex County is currently undergoing reassessment as they were using values determined in …

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Terry RogersEducation, Milford Headline Story

In preparation for discussion about school tax rates for the upcoming year, Dr. Sara Croce provided the Milford School District Board of Education with details on the main components that make up school taxes. Each rate is determined separately and provides funding for different district needs. “We are still waiting through the state budget year process, so the final operating …

a sign on the side of a building

Milford Schools seek referendum to redo historic middle school

bshupeHeadlines, Education

  Milford Middle School will be renovated to 21st century standards for fourth and fifth graders, if an October referendum passes.   Update – Fiscal impacts of the project can be found at   Original Post – The Milford School District announced at a sparsely attended Board of Education meeting Monday that it would be seeking a referendum on …