Summer programs announced for MSD

Terry RogersSchools

by Terry Rogers     Milford School District is in the process of developing summer programs for students who may need additional help. Photo by Element5 Digital. Milford School District Board of Education heard from Dr. Brian Clarke, Special Education Coordinator, about summer programming for the district. Some of the programs are designed for students with special education needs that …


Milford School Board hears student learning update

Terry RogersSchools

At their regular meeting in May, Milford School District Board of Education was provided an update on student learning initiatives by Dr. Bridget Amory, Director of Student Learning. Dr. Amory explained that the district, due to additional federal funding provided through the CARES Act, has allowed for “robust” summer programming. “We are currently working through the summer school registration process,” …


MSD hopes to expand summer programming for 2021

Terry RogersMilford Headline Story, Schools

At the regular meeting of the Milford School District Board of Education, Dr. Bridget Amory, Director of Student Learning, advised board members that there were plans to expand summer services in the district for 2021. Although some of the programs are offered every summer, Dr. Amory stated that the district was looking for ways to keep children active and engaged …