Crystal Messick

Bayhealth’s bariatric services changes lives

Terry RogersHeadlines, Health, Milford Headline Story

Crystal Messick

Crystal Messick

Significant weight loss can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, depression, gallstones, heart disease, high blood pressure and many other chronic illnesses, according to Bayhealth’s Bariatric Program. The program offered at both the Bayhealth Sussex and Bayhealth Kent Campus are accredited under the American College of Surgeons and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. A conversation with some of the people who have benefitted from the service can attest to how the programs can change lives.

In December 2020, Crystal Messick was accepted into the program and, in February 2021, Dr. Theodoros Katsichtis performed a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. During this procedure, the stomach is divided along its vertical length to create a slender pouch about the size of a banana and the excess stomach is removed. This allows the body to still absorb vital vitamins and nutrients while reducing the amount of food Messick could eat.

“My motivation was my husband and my son. My husband has been really good, but my son is number one. I want to be a good role model for my son and a healthy mother,” Messick said. “I like to live more in the moment. Before, I would be so obsessed with eating and eating healthy. Surgery is a great tool. I’m able to eat the things I loved to eat but in moderation.”

Messick also credits the Bayhealth Bariatric Surgery team with helping her on her weight loss journey, stating that they provided her comfort and motivation as she moved toward her goals. Jennifer DesLauriers echoes Messick’s sentiments, stating that before her weight loss journey, she had difficulty living day-to-day life. But since working with the Bariatric Surgery team, DesLauriers has a new outlook on life.

Jennifer DesLauriers

Jennifer DesLauriers

“I have recently traveled to Punta Cana and Alaska. Both of those trips were amazing because I had nothing to hold me back. In Punta Cana, I snorkeled and dove off a boat. I could walk forever. I don’t get tired, and I have so much energy now.”

Beginning her weight loss journey in February 2022, Dr. Katsichtis performed a robotic assisted vertical sleeve gastrectomy repair of a hiatal hernia and then created a sleeve similar to what Messick had performed. Her family was a huge part of her success, but she also relies on the Bariatric Surgery program, often visiting with the coordinator Patty Deer, MSM, BSN, Rn, CNOR, CBN, who has given her a new perspective on life.

Glenn Ruse at the age of 35 was ready to change his life when he visited Dr. Katsichtis in January 2022. Ruse had tried diligently to lose weight before the surgery to jumpstart his process, attempting to drop 70 pounds of the 497 that showed on the scale at his first consultation. Ruse was successful in his pre-surgery journey and credits the work he did then with his success after surgery.

Glenn Ruse

Glenn Ruse

“The program is so well-established, it was an advantage to helping me cruise through an almost five-month delay,” Ruse said. “I had such an incredible support system, both at home and with the team.” Ruse had another goal in mind as he worked toward his weight loss goals – his wedding in November 2023.

Because it took almost 10 months for him to be cleared for surgery, Ruse lost 100 pounds before his laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. He commented that it was like a down payment for the surgery, and it helped him develop the mindset he would need after surgery.

“Vertical sleeve gastrectomy is an ideal procedure for weight loss, especially in young, motivated patients like Glenn,” Dr. Katsichtis said. “His determination and effort before as well as after surgery led to excellent results. Both vertical sleeve and gastric bypass are offered at Bayhealth. They are both safe and effective procedures against obesity.”

For more information about the Bayhealth Bariatric Surgery program, visit

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