Doug Morrow resigned from City Council effective September 10 as he and his wife have moved to Wilmington, making him ineligible to serve. A special election will be scheduled later this year.
Milford City Council voted unanimously to declare a vacancy for the Ward Three seat held by Councilman Doug Morrow. On September 10, Councilman Morrow resigned his seat as he and his wife have moved to Wilmington.
“Linda and I now reside in Wilmington to be closer to our family,” Councilman Morrow said. “I am no longer eligible to serve on City Council since I am not a resident of the City of Milford.”
City Solicitor David Rutt explained that a special election must be held because there was more than one year left on Councilman Morrow’s term. He was just recently re-elected in the spring.
“When I first ran, I wanted to have a voice and assist others within the city, since I lived and worked in the city,” Councilman Morrow said. “I felt the same when I ran last time, but things moved faster than I thought when we made the decision to move. The city is in good shape and will continue to as council works well with the city staff.”
Councilman Morrow did not want to take credit for any one accomplishment during his time on council as he felt it was a group effort to get a majority on the same page to get things done. There were a few accomplishments, however, he was proud to have a part in getting completed.
“I would say the business park, City Public Works building, Veteran’s Home, Hospice, Boys & Girls Club, Bayhealth move, Wawa, the new Police Station are all some examples,” Councilman Morrow said. “Also, giving a voice to all city employees including the police to have competitive pay and benefits with good working conditions.”
The biggest challenge Councilman Morrow faced during his tenure was dealing with the red tape in government and controlling growth in Milford so that it was fair to both citizens and developers.
“My advice to my replacement is to be accessible to the citizens of the Third Ward,” Councilman Morrow said. “Listen and learn from current councilpersons, then make your own decisions in order to keep Milford as a great place to live.”
Solicitor Rutt stated that the special election would probably be scheduled at least 60 days from the vacancy in order to give residents of the Third Ward time to apply and meet all the obligations necessary to run for the open seat.
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