For businesses looking for retirement programs for their employees, Delaware EARNS is an option that can allow them to create such programs. Delaware EARNS is a retirement savings program for private-sector workers who don’t have access to a plan through their employer. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17 from 12 Noon until 1 PM.
“This is a webinar hosted by the Office of the State Treasurer and will be a completely virtual program,” Ted Griffith, Delaware EARNS Project Director, said. “This is designed so that employers in the state can learn more about this program that launched July 1. We will also talk about next steps for businesses while also offering a question and answer session.”
Delaware State Treasurer Colleen Davis will present the webinar along with Griffith. Delaware employers who have at least five W-2 employees who do not currently offer a retirement program are eligible, but they must register by October 15, 2024.
“This could be an amazing benefit for your employees,” Griffith said. “We understand how difficult it can be for a small business to offer certain benefits and retirement packages are definitely one of the most difficult. It is our hope that Delaware EARNS will help small businesses not only attract quality employees but retain those they currently have on staff by using this program as a benefit.”
The webinar is free to attend and anyone interested can register by clicking here.
The Delaware Division of Small Business also announced that the second round of EDGE Grant Competition begins in August. An information webinar will be held on Tuesday, July 23 at 9:30 AM. That webinar will include overview of the EDGE application, information on the financial requirements and a review of the key sections of the EDGE application as well as the support available from key partners. The webinar will also include advice from a previous EDGE awardee.
The EDGE Information Webinar is virtual, and registration is free, but required. To register, click here.
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