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Disabled veteran tax credit approved by school board

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines

LogoAt their regular board meeting on August 23, Milford School District Board of Education approved a tax credit for disabled veterans. The tax credit is similar to one offered to senior citizens in Kent and Sussex County that allows them to receive a tax credit of 50 percent of their property tax up to $500.

“The school board must approve this under the direction of the General Assembly,” Dr. Kevin Dickerson, Superintendent, said. “We have to approve this as we must send information to the county by October and if we are going to include this, we need to approve it tonight.”

In order to receive the tax credit, the disabled veteran must own and occupy the property as their principal residence. The veteran must receive 100 percent disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs for a service-connected, permanent and total disability. They must also have lived in the State of Delaware for at least three consecutive years.

In order to qualify for the credit, disabled veterans must complete a form which will be available on the Kent and Sussex County websites under Tax Assistance Programs. The forms must be filed between January 1 and April 30 each year.

Information regarding property tax exemptions available in Kent County may be found at https://co.kent.de.us/finance/assessment.aspx. In Sussex County, property owners can visit https://sussexcountyde.gov/tax-assistance-programs.

The disabled veteran tax credit was approved unanimously by the board.

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