Austin Adams will not graduate from Milford High School until 2022, but he is already a small business owner after opening the doors to Next Level Nutrition recently. Adams says he felt that the products he used to gain weight so he could play football would benefit others in the area.
“I decided to do this because of my own personal health,” Adams said. “I was below weight, my BMI was really low. I only weighed like 90 pounds. So I found these products that helped me increase my weight and get healthier.”
Adams learned about the products from his mother, Ashley Adams, owner of Delmarva Acupuncture, when she used them to lose weight. Because the family was so successful with products offered in the shop, they felt others may also find them helpful.
“We are slowly growing,” Adams said. “We offer many different products that can help anyone. We have protein shakes, iced coffee and lifted teas that are designed to boost metabolism and increase energy.”
Adams has always lived in Milford and, after he graduates in the spring, plans to hold off on college as he grows his business.
“I plan to open a second location in Easton,” Adams said. “I decided on Easton because the environment there lends itself to what I am offering.”
Next Level Nutrition has many specialty shakes available, including the Bucs Tea with blueberry limeade tea, lemon lime liftoff and cranberry aloe. They also offer the Sip-N-Sour, lime liftoff with green apple marg tea and mandarin. As of October 13, they will off an iced Pumpkin Spice coffee which has 15 grams of protein and is healthier than other pumpkin spice coffee drinks.
The new store is located at 915 North Dupont Boulevard and they are open Monday through Friday from 6 AM until 6 PM as well as Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM until 2 PM.
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