Career Team

Milford Conversation to feature Workforce Development Initiative

Terry RogersBusiness, Culture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Career Team

The next Milford Conversation will feature Career Team LLC talking about their Workforce Development Initiative

The next Milford Conversation, an informal group of Milford residents and business leaders, will be Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 8:30 AM and is held at the First Presbyterian Church in Milford. The church is located at 101 S. Walnut Street.

“Our speaker is Anthony Powell, Program Manager of Career T.E.A.M. LLC,” John Huntzinger, leader of the group, said. “He’ll be speaking about their new Workforce Development Initiative in Kent and Sussex Counties.  This program is state funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) fund and is for students ages 16 to 24 and provides paid work experience.  The goal is to help make students career ready and potentially connect them with employers.”

Milford Conversation meets on the first Thursday of every month and features a different topic relating to business, recreation and education in the city. It is open to the public and free to attend. Refreshments are provided.

To access the group, Huntzinger explained that the best entrance is off Pearl Alley at  the rear of the church. Enter through the kitchen door which is marked with a handicap access sign. Just walk through the kitchen and enter the church library where the meeting will be held.

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