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Milford School Board hears student learning update

Terry RogersSchools

LogoAt their regular meeting in May, Milford School District Board of Education was provided an update on student learning initiatives by Dr. Bridget Amory, Director of Student Learning. Dr. Amory explained that the district, due to additional federal funding provided through the CARES Act, has allowed for “robust” summer programming.

“We are currently working through the summer school registration process,” Dr. Amory said. “So far, it has been very favorably received. We anticipate that we will have full enrollment for our summer programs this year.”

Another benefit provided to the district is the securing of a language line by the Department of Education that can be used to assist with critical translation needs in the district.

“This is an exciting time for us in Milford because, in the past, we have purchased and had a contract with our own language line for quite a few years,” Dr. Amory said. “This will now be an expense the state will cover for us. We are making the necessary adjustments in our schools so that our staff knows we have that additional resource. We are also providing that information to our families, so they know they have immediate access to a translator any time they need additional support in understanding their child’s education.”

Milford has also been designated to receive additional funds for the purchase of bilingual books. The Department of Education identified 28 schools in Delaware with a high percentage of Hispanic students for whom English is a second language. The initiative provides funds to those schools specifically and Milford schools were included in those who qualified for the additional book grants.

Earlier in the meeting, Dr. Kevin Dickerson provided information on new COVID-19 protocols that will be used during summer programs, including a reduction in social distancing to three feet and the allowance of more than one student on school buses to assist with transp

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