Tiki Hut rotated

Milford VFW seeking new members

Terry RogersBusiness, Charity, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Tiki Hut

View of Haven Lake from VFW Blue Hen Post 6483 Tiki Hut which is open to the public

The Milford VFW Blue Hen Post 6483 offers many services to veterans, including assistance in filing VA paperwork, social gatherings and a place where those who have lived through war can share experiences with people who understand. One of the ways the VFW is reaching out is at it’s Tiki Hut, an outdoor bar overlooking Haven Lake.

“The Tiki Bar is open to the public and we use it as fundraiser,” Mark Stayton said. “The drinks are reasonably priced and the people are super friendly. We have a food truck, one of our members owns it, and he is out there when the Tiki Hut is open.”

Chris Lucas explained that the VFW is working on its community outreach with many different events. They hold a shrimp boil every month that includes a half pound of shrimp, potatoes, sausage and corn for $15. People can call ahead for take out or enjoy it sitting at the Tiki Hut.

“On Labor Day Saturday, we are doing a Cruise-In at the Delaware Veteran’s Home,” Stayton said. “We partnered with a car club to have cars out in the parking lot. It isn’t a show, but the veterans come out to see these old cars. It is a joy to see them light up and say things like “I had one of those” or “remember those days?” We brought it back this year after we had to stop it during COVID.”

Another event planned that is open to the public is a riverboat crab feast at Suicide Bridge Restaurant on Saturday, August 24 at 4:15 PM.

“Tickets are $103 per person and include the river cruise, all you can eat crabs, chicken strips, non-alcoholic beverages and dessert,” Lucas said. “We have also arranged for two charter buses to take us there and back, so no need for a driver to get there. We are trying to fill the boat, so we have 120 tickets to sell. This is not really a fundraiser for us, but a way to reach out to the community. We are charging exactly what it is costing us.”

Tickets for the crab feast cruise can be purchased in the VFW Canteen or at the Tiki Hut. In addition to these events, the VFW is trying to hold something special on major holidays like Memorial Day, Labor Day and Fourth of July. Every July 4th, they have a family barbecue and guests are encouraged to bring a covered dish and make a day of it. The event this year ended with a special treat provided by a member which was so well accepted, people have given donations to do the same next year. The post was also a big part of the Memorial Day program at Milford High School.

“One of the things we have here at this post is the Military Order of the Cooties,” Stayton said. “So what that is, is that the VFW itself doesn’t have a hospital program. And that’s what the Cooties does. It dates back to World War One. When the guys came home from trench warfare, and there’s all of their comrades in beds of white, just rows and rows, rows of them. So, they asked “What can we do? They’re all miserable. Well, let’s keep them happy.”

Stayton explained that one of the mottos of the Military Order of the Cooties is “keep on smiling in beds of white.” The name of the organization comes from the lice that infested the soldiers during trench warfare. Each group of the Military Order of the Cooties is known as a Pup Tent and funny names are given to the members.

“We go up to the VA, we go to local nursing homes and things like that. For the Veteran’s Home, we sponsor a libation hour or happy hour. We provide beer and wine so that veterans can enjoy a drink now and then,” Stayton said. “There’s only three Pup Tents in the state, and this is one of them. And there’s only one auxiliary in the state and it is here.”

Stayton, who is currently the Vice Commander at the state level and will be the State Commander next year, joined the VFW after serving as a nod to his father, a World War II veteran, is on the charter. Another charity the VFW supports is the National Home.

“Back to the days of World War I and II on the homefront, the National Home was started because there were a lot of orphaned children. So a small development was built and each house there had a house mother and they took care of so many children,” Stayton said. “Then it became a place for veterans and their families on hard times, and we help them get back on a track, they even give scholarships to kids when they graduate high school through there to Southern Michigan University, University of Southern Michigan, they get scholarships for that, because there’s the homeless in Michigan.”

The National Home is located just outside of Eaton Rapids, Michigan and it was started by the Military Order of the Cooties. Both Lucas and Stayton who have visited say that it looks like a regular housing development and, at one time, they had their own school. They still have their own fire department, grocery store, butcher shop and farm. It was originally 600 acres and has grown to over 800. One area where the VFW struggles is bringing in younger members.

“Even when I came in, was the same thing. There’s so much else out there for people to do now. And that’s why this the Tiki Hut is a big deal for us as it brings people out. Last year or the year before, Chris started a bike night. We have two veterans motorcycle clubs that meet here,” Stayton said. “If you’re a veterans organization and you want to have meetings here, no charge. We don’t charge any money for your veterans. That’s what we’re here for. So that’s gotten us out to some of the younger crowds.”

Lucas explained that the American Legion post in Milford was closing and that the VFW had offered them space to hold meetings and events. American Legion members are also accepted in the VFW Canteen.

“Younger people think it’s just a bunch of old drunks and that kind of stuff. But I gotta tell you that this gives you some place where you can talk to somebody who knows what you’re talking about,” Stayton said. “And I get it because my father was a World War II veteran, my Uncle Tony was in Iwo Jima. They didn’t talk but when I came back from overseas, it was a whole different ballgame. It is almost like we offer mental health services here.”

The post has a state service officer who will meet with veterans to help them file VA benefit paperwork which can be complicated, especially for those who are disabled. Stayton pointed out that being disabled in the military is not the same as disabled in civilian life.

“That’s a big thing right now, and especially at the state level, we’re really pushing and the last session really annoyed us, because we had some of our elected officials worked against us. There’s what these called claim sharks, okay? And it’s against the law. It’s already against the law. The problem is there’s no teeth in the law,” Stayton said. “That’s the law we’re trying to get passed is to put teeth in it right? So what they do is, I’ll come to you and say, “Man, you know, you need some VA benefits. We’ll do it for you.” Well, they’re going to charge you, and they’re not allowed, by law, they’re not allowed. So all they’re going to do is take your paperwork and tell you how to do it. And then take a piece of and it can be quite a big piece. The fees begin the day you start your claim till it’s approved and it can be thousands of dollars in some cases, but when you go through our service officer, it can be done six months or less, right, especially now that the PACT Act has passed.”

It is not uncommon for a veteran to be denied disability the first time the apply, something that happened to Lucas.

“People just give up once you get the first letter. I did it myself,” Lucas said. “Okay, so, I was denied so I don’t deserve it. I stopped until I retired and had some time and went back and applied.”

The PACT Act, which passed in 2022, was to ensure benefits to soldiers exposed to toxic chemicals, but it also includes another protection, Stayton said.

“We had veterans before this was passed that may have been 40 percent disabled. As their disability got worse, they were allowed to apply for increased benefits,” Stayton said. “Before the PACT Act, if they were having a good day when they were reevaluated, they could lose the 40 percent they were initially given. That is no longer permitted.”

In order to join the VFW, you must be a veteran and have served in military zones overseas. According to Lucas and Stayton, it may not have to be war time as some areas of the world, like Korea, are still considered military zones. To join, interested individuals need to bring in a DD214. Auxiliary members must have a relative who served in order to qualify.

“Ring the bell to get in,” Stayton said. “They will let you in and you just tell them you want to be a member. Behind the bar, we have a red, white and blue folder with everything you need, for both a regular and an auxiliary member, even a pen so no excuses. If you don’t have your DD214, we can help you get it. For example, when it comes to the Navy, I have a direct line to National Headquarters and we have a list of all the ships and dates, so if someone was on a warship, we find it.”

Members of the National Guard and Coast Guard who served in foreign conflicts are also eligible members, Stayton said.

The Tiki Hut is open Wednesday through Friday from 5 PM until 10 PM, Saturday from 12 Noon until 8 PM and Sunday from 12 Noon until 8 PM. The Post opens 7 days a week at noon. Although the Tiki Bar is permitted to stay open until midnight, they close out of respect for neighbors in the area. Stayton explained that if the bar is full, they will remain open later than 8 PM. The post is located at 177 Veterans Circle in Milford. More information can be found by calling 302-422-4412.

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