On May 26, 2024, at approximately 2:25 pm, the Milford Police Department responded to a residence in the 900 block of North Walnut St for a possible burglary. Upon arrival, officers were advised that an unknown subject was seen entering into a detached garage on the property. Milford PD’s K9 Unit gave commands for the subject to exit the garage, which the subject complied and exited the garage without incident.
The subject, identified as Tyra Stevens, 32 of Milford, DE, was taken into custody. Officers along with the K9 unit searched the garage and no other subjects were located. Officers made contact with the owner of the property and learned that Stevens was not permitted to be on the property.
Stevens was transported to Milford PD and charged with Burglary 3rd Degree and Trespass 2nd Degree. Stevens was arraigned through the Justice of the Peace Court 7 where she was released on her own recognizance with a future court date in the Kent County Court of Common Pleas. Stevens was issued a no contact order with the victim and their property.
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