At a recent meeting of the Milford School Board, a timeline for the Milford Middle School project was presented. The timeline explains the steps that will be taken by the district as it remodels the former middle school into a school for fifth and sixth graders.
“The Public Information Officer graciously put together this tentative schedule,” Mike Sharp, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, said. “It walks through the process from the referendum, where we are at with the timeline, and it is subject to change. But, it gets us through each stage and the project is moving along pretty well so far.”
The timeline began with the passing of a referendum in October 2021 which allowed the district to issue bond sales to cover the cost of the remodeling. The building was abandoned by the district in 2012 and a previous referendum to demolish the school and build a new one failed in 2014. The estimated cost for the project is $57,270,453 with the district responsible for $14,890,318 which will be covered by the bond sales. The state will pay the remaining $42,380,185. Over 67 percent of voters approved the referendum.
Board President Jason Miller asked when there would be a rough draft of the design of the school.
“We had a rough draft meeting last week and I believe it’s there,” Sharp said. “We went back to them with the original draft, and they are working through it. I would assume before the holidays, or no later than January we will get a draft.”
Miller stated that he sees a lot of questions on social media about what the new school would look like. The plan is to demolish the newer wings of the building and keep the historic center part, built in 1929, intact. From August 2022 to November 2022, the district has held education specification programming meetings and district reviews of the project. From October 2022 to January 2023, the project will undergo schematic design with planning and bidding scheduled for October 2022 through April 2023.
In addition, between October 2022 and April 2023, community engagement meetings are planned to get public input into what the building may look like. Environmental remediation and Demolition will take place from August 2023 to November 2023 and construction should begin in December 2023, continuing through January 2025. The goal is to have the school open for students in the fall of 2025.
The timeline can be viewed by clicking here and scrolling to Page 15 of the board documents.
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