MilfordLive Sept 24

MilfordLIVE Weekly Review – September 24, 2024

Sonja FreyMilford-live, Weekly Review

This Week’s Top Stories Include: Milford Middle School project on target and under budget Camping, wagon rides featured at historic local park DMI to hold business forum Governor’s Career Fairs planned for each county Bucs Make Strong Comeback on the Gridiron Click on the image below to view the PDF

Beam Signing Group

Milford Middle School project on target and under budget

Terry RogersAbove the fold, Education, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

On Monday, September 16, Milford School District held a beam signing ceremony for the Milford Middle School, signifying a milestone in the reconstruction of the historic building. That evening, at the regular meeting of the Board of Education, Dr. Sara Hale announced that the district had spent around $60 million on the project with a budget of $72.2 million and …


New principals announced for Milford School District

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

            New faces will sit at the helm of several schools in Milford School District for the 2024-25 school year, the district announced recently. Milford Central Academy and Evelyn I. Morris Early Childhood Center have new principals, Milford High School has a new assistant principal, and the district has announced who will serve as principal …

Milford Middle School (MMS) will open for the 2025-2026 school year.

New Milford school gets its name: Milford Middle School

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

After a few months of consideration with plenty of public input, the Milford School District Board of Education finalized a name Monday night for its new middle school.  The new Milford middle school, a key component of Milford School District’s strategic plan to accommodate rapid enrollment growth, will be called “Milford Middle School.” Opening in fall 2025, the building had …

MMS Demolition Ends

Milford Middle School project moves into construction phase

Terry RogersEducation, Featured, Headlines

Milford School District recently announced that demolition on the Milford Middle School project on Lakeview Avenue ended and that the construction phase would begin. Demolition of the wings of the school began on September 8, 2023, on target with a projected timeline provided by the district last year. “The project remains on schedule and is expected to open in fall …

Rendering of the entryway to the new Milford middle school.

New Milford middle school has 4 finalists for name change

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

The new Milford middle school, a key component of Milford School District’s strategic plan to accommodate rapid enrollment growth, will soon be getting a formal name. The school, under construction at 612 Lakeview Avenue in Milford, is expected to open in fall 2024. It is part of the five-year Milford School District Strategic Plan, adopted in 2023. The district is …

MMS New Front Entrance

Milford Middle School site plan approved

Terry RogersEducation, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Milford School District moved one step closer in finalizing plans for the new Milford Middle School. The Lakeview Avenue property is currently under construction with demolition of the newer wings while the original 1929 structure will be preserved. Milford City Council approved a site plan for the project at a recent meeting, paving the way for new construction over the …

IMG 6309

Demolition begins on Milford Middle School wings

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

An era ended on Friday, September 8 when cranes began demolishing what was known as the Lakeview Wing of Milford Middle School around 9:30 AM. School administrators, including Dr. Bridget Amory, Superintendent, Dr. Sara Hale, Chief Financial Officer and others were present to watch as a project that has been in the planning stages for several years took the next …

MMS Front with Historic

Middle School project moves forward, demolition begins

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

The Milford Middle School project on Lakeview Avenue moved forward recently after the Milford School District Board of Education approved the submission of construction documents to the State Division of Facilities Management as well as a bid from DIS Associates LLC in Elkton, Maryland, to begin demolition of portions of the building. “Tonight, we are seeking approval to submit construction …

MMS New Front Entrance

MSD board approves MMS renovation designs

Terry RogersEducation, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

At a recent meeting, Milford School District Board of Education approved designs for the renovation of the former Milford Middle School. The original portion of the building, built in the 1920s, will remain during the renovation while newer wings will be demolished. The interior of the historic section of the building will be remodeled during the process. “The building is …