by Terry Rogers

Sara Pletcher will be presenting information on economic development with the City of Milford at the next Milford Conversations.
The next Milford Conversations meeting will be held on Thursday, February 3, from 8:30-9:30 a.m., in the fellowship hall of the First Presbyterian Church of Milford, located at 101 S. Walnut St. in Milford. The speaker will be Sara Pletcher, Milford’s Economic Development and Community Engagement Administrator, and former convener of the Conversations group. She will discuss city happenings and her role in them.
This administrative position was newly created in spring of 2021. Pletcher proved to be uniquely qualified for the position. A 2008 graduate of Milford High School with a master’s degree from Wilmington University in Marketing Management and over 10 years’ experience in business, publishing and as a civic volunteer in Milford, Pletcher is invested and committed to Milford’s success on every level.
Milford Conversations is open to all interested community leaders in Milford, including those representing business, civic, nonprofit, environmental, arts, education, health and government sectors. Speakers vary and opportunity is given at each meeting for participants to announce upcoming events or points of interest in the organizations they represent. The meeting will be held in the church’s fellowship hall. Entry through the back door, off of Pearl St., is recommended. For questions, please call 302-381-6620.
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