Santa Arrives 1

Santa Arrives in Downtown Milford

Terry RogersHeadlines

by Terry Rogers


Santa Arrives

Santa arrives in downtown Milford

Children lined up in front of the Santa House in downtown Milford on Saturday, November 27 as Santa arrived in style. Forgoing the usual ride on a Carlisle Fire Company truck, Santa pulled up in front of his Milford home in a sidecar, waving at the children as he arrived.

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Santa accepts wishes from children

COVID-19 safety protocols are in place at the Santa House this year. Children are able to walk up to the house and speak to Santa through a plexiglass partition. They can also leave letters for Santa at the house. Several elves are on hand to assist children as they visit with Santa. Families are welcome to take photos of their child standing next to Santa.

Santa will be in his house every Saturday from 11 AM until 3 PM. His last day taking wishes will be December 18.

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