Sidewalks 1

Sidewalk repair and replacement bid awarded

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Sidewalks 1

The city is completing its sidewalk program after awarding a bid to Jaquez Concrete

Milford City Council awarded Jaquez Concrete Company a contract in the amount of $380,760 to complete the remaining sidewalk repair and replacement project throughout the city. City Engineer James Puddicombe explained that staff decided to cover all four wards in areas that were not addressed in the first round.

“As part of that we requested bids regarding sidewalk replacement and grinding. We received three bids that came back,” Puddicombe said. “One from True Grit ($896,500.00), one from Mitten Construction ($412,670.00) and one from the Jaquez Concrete ($380,760.00). Mitten was the contractor that did the previous sidewalk program. And Jaquez Concrete did the 2020 street sidewalk work. So, we have familiarity with both contractors and both bids were surprisingly within 50 cents per foot, about what we would expect given some of the inflation increasing some prices”

Mayor Archie Campbell asked what True Grit was thinking and Puddicombe explained that he asked them why their bid was so much higher. They planned to subcontract the work and act as the supervisor, so they up charged much of the work that needed to be done.

“So in funding this, there was an initial round of sidewalk work. A good chunk of that has been paid back to the city for that and initial funding that would roll into the second set of the sidewalk program,” Puddicombe said. “There’s a chunk of money that would be paid by the city that would be the city’s portion of the sidewalk program. And that is in the amount of $91,760. We would have an additional funding amount from RTT of $44,410. That would be over what we had already accounted for it. And so, our recommendation would be to award to Jaquez Concrete LLC in the amount of $380,760 with the funding to be a combination of $104,591 from the sidewalk funds available and $276,170 in realty transfer taxes. Of that amount, $289,000 will be subject to repayment by property owners.”

Councilman Jason James confirmed that there were enough funds in the realty transfer tax account to cover the costs and Puddicombe stated that there were. He also reiterated that about $289,000 would be replaced in the fund as property owners reimbursed the city for sidewalk repairs and replacement.

Council approved the bid award unanimously.

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