Learn about nature with DuPont Environmental Education Center

Terry RogersCulture, Education, Environment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Education does not need to stop during the summer months. Kids and adults alike can learn about the environment, conservation and ecosystems through programs at DuPont Environmental Education Center and Abbott’s Mill Nature Center. On August 9, Dupont Environmental Education Center will offer beach combing at 9 AM. Those interested should meet at the Slaughter Beach Pavilion, located at 329 …

“A River Runs Through It” Tour great way to learn about the Mispillion

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Delmarva Discovery Tours recently began offering “A River Runs Through It,” a history-eco tour along the Mispillion River. The tour includes stops at the Milford Museum, DuPont Nature Center and Abbott’s Mill. Recently, the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford (CCGM) and Delmarva Discovery Tours partnered to offer a special media tour in order to get information out to the …

New History Eco-Tours Now Being Offered in Milford, Delaware

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Local tour company, Delmarva Discovery Tours, has teamed up with the Dupont Nature Center, the Milford Museum, Abbott’s Mill Nature Center and the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford to offer a unique history and eco-tour that focuses on history along the Mispillion River. “This was a collaborative effort between the five organizations to drive more tourism to Milford by …

City of Milford, Delaware Nature Society Enter Partnership

Terry RogersCulture, Government & Politics

On Monday, Feb. 22, Milford City Council agreed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Delaware Nature Society. The city and Delaware Nature Society have long partnered to provide hands-on programming for Pre-Kindergarten to fifth grade students in Milford School District. “We’ve been working on an MOU which is a formal agreement between Parks and Recreation and the …