Milford Council homeless Julie Morris

Mayor: No vote on homeless village, but it won’t be downtown

Katie KazimirGovernment, Headlines

A decision has not been made on whether to allow a homeless village and will not be madeĀ  until there is a solid operational plan that does not include taxpayer dollars, Milfordā€™s mayor said this week. Operating money, and creating a task force to look at the issue, was one of several comments about a proposed village of tiny houses …

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City Council members sworn in

Terry RogersGovernment

Mike Boyle was sworn in after winning the only contested race for Milford City Council. Also sworn in were Brian Baer, Archie Campbell, Andy Fulton and Katrina Wilson On Monday, May 2, members of the Milford City Council were sworn into office. Mayor Arthur ā€œArchieā€ Campbell, Councilmen Andrew Fulton and Brian Baer as well as Councilwoman Katrina Wilson ran unopposed …