Milford’s hidden housing crisis

Terry RogersBusiness, Delaware Nonprofits, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

At recent city council meetings, there has been significant discussion about homelessness and panhandling in areas of the city. Council members are receiving complaints from businesses downtown about the many homeless in downtown areas, some of whom are impacting foot traffic in the area. Around the highway shopping centers, there are several homeless people who are panhandling, creating a dangerous …

a house that has a sign on the side of a building

Former Rite Aid location to offer retail, apartments

Terry RogersHeadlines, Business

The former Rite Aid building will be transformed into a mixed-use project with ten apartments, a laundromat and two commercial retail spaces Veronica Nunez, co-owner of the former Rite Aid building located at 115 Northeast Front Street in Milford, is hoping to create the same type of structure they recently completed in Georgetown, replicating the process in downtown Milford. With …