Mispillion River Logo WIIN

Council approves investment in eco-tourism plan

Terry RogersEnvironment, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Milford City Council recently approved an Ecotourism and Resilience Investment Strategy. The strategy was the culmination of the Waterways Infrastructure and Investment Network (WIIN) project. The project spent the last two years talking with stakeholders and developing a nature-based watershed investment strategy for both Milford and Slaughter Beach. “Essentially, it incorporates information we’ve gained through an economic valuation study that …

a close up of a pond

Milford group discusses tourism options

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     Ecotourism may bring visitors to Milford. Photo courtesy of DNREC. Bonnie Hall, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Southern Delaware Tourism (SDT) recently spoke at a gathering of organization leaders and business owners about tourism in the area. After providing a background of what SDT’s goals and missions are, Hall provided some details on …