Mispillion River Logo WIIN

Council approves investment in eco-tourism plan

Terry RogersEnvironment, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Milford City Council recently approved an Ecotourism and Resilience Investment Strategy. The strategy was the culmination of the Waterways Infrastructure and Investment Network (WIIN) project. The project spent the last two years talking with stakeholders and developing a nature-based watershed investment strategy for both Milford and Slaughter Beach. “Essentially, it incorporates information we’ve gained through an economic valuation study that …

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WIIN hopes to grow eco-tourism in the area

Terry RogersBeaches, Business, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

The Waterways Infrastructure and Investment Network (WIIN) is completing its final report on their Nature Based Investment Strategy, hoping to connect the towns of Slaughter Beach and Milford using the Mispillion River in order to promote eco-tourism and conservation. The final report will be provided to City Council this winter. “We’ve undertaken an assessment of risks to natural hazards, particularly …

a bridge over a body of water

WIIN to work with Arnett Muldrow on river plan

Terry RogersBusiness, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

The Waterways Infrastructure and Investment Network (WIIN) a coalition created between Slaughter Beach and the City of Milford to establish economic benefits surrounding the Mispillion River, Delaware Bay and tributaries has hired Arnett Muldrow to help them create branding and marketing strategy. The first of several focus groups were held recently in the City of Milford conference room, allowing stakeholders …

a bridge over a body of water

WIIN Coalition helping develop eco-tourism opportunities

Terry RogersBusiness, Environment, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     Eco-tourism could become common on the Mispillion thanks to the WIIN project Danielle Swallow with Delaware Sea Grant, a program based at the University of Delaware in Lewes, presented and update to Milford City Council regarding the Waterways Infrastructure and Investment Network (WIIN). The group was initially formed to help Milford and Slaughter Beach be …