Milford City Council approved two requests for changes to the Milford Ponds development. The first was a request to remove Phase IV, an apartment area from the Planned Unit Development (PUD) and the second was approval of a revised preliminary subdivision plan for Phase II of the project. “The applicant is seeking permission to amend the Milford Ponds development by …
Public sees concept drawings to slow traffic on South Walnut Street
The City of Milford recently held a public workshop designed to present concepts for slowing traffic on South Walnut Street. The plans were created by Century Engineering and included a bike/pedestrian path. The path is part of the Bicycle Master Plan adopted by council in November 2021. This plan was also created by Century Engineering. A similar shared use path …
Development requests approved by council
Requests from three developers were approved by Milford City Council at a recent meeting. Cypress Hall asked for approval of Phase I of their project, Wickersham requested approval for a revised site plan while Milford Ponds requested approval for an extension. Public hearings were held for the Cypress Hall and Wickersham requests. “We are only reviewing Phase I tonight even …