Statewide GOP success

Is the path to statewide GOP success better messaging or recruitment/fundraising?

Bradley VasoliGovernment & Politics, Headlines

Delaware’s populous north has long been rough territory for Republicans to run in competitively, in relative contrast to downstate. Of the 12 New Castle County Council seats, for instance, the party holds only one. Candidate recruitment can therefore be difficult, and thus many Democrat-held seats from the General Assembly down to local boards go unchallenged. Consequently, GOP candidates run a …

News Briefs-Christiana Care

News Briefs From the Week of Oct. 7, 2024

Peter OsborneHeadlines

A Calendar of future events will soon complement this compilation of news briefs from the past week. Within this page, you’ll see quick hits in our core categories, plus such topics as Long-Term Traffic Alerts, Charitable Contributions, Delaware People (Promotions and Honors) and Fond Farewells. GOVERNMENT Governor John Carney activated 100 service members and more than 40 vehicles from the …

2560px DART First State bus 447 at Newark Transit Hub

DART service changes will go into effect Nov. 17

Peter OsborneDART, Featured, Government, Headlines, Traffic

Changes to DART’s Statewide Bus Service will become effective Sunday, November 17, 2024. DART service changes are outlined below, summarized by county. Modifications to the original proposal are highlighted in bold text. The new route schedules will be available online at by mid-November, and printed pocket schedules will also be available by mid-November. New Castle County The following Routes …

The deadline to apply to the Redding Consortium's scholarships is today at 4:30 p.m. (Unsplash)

College scholarships application deadlines are approaching

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

A variety of community groups are offering college scholarships, and students who want to apply need to get on it, because at least one deadline is today. “Our scholarship programs are created by generous people who understand that higher education is expensive and they want Delaware students to have more opportunity,” said Allison Levine, vice president of marketing for the …