This Week’s Top Headlines Include: Parson Thorne Mansion greening planned for Saturday Holiday season kicks off in downtown Milford with Small Business Saturday City agrees to cover cost of pump station pending Knight’s Crossing completion Milford parents voice concern about school safety, bullying Reindeer Stampede celebrates 25th year Click on the image below to view as a PDF
Council approves annexation and zoning change request
Lands of Walter and Sharon Feindt were annexed into the City of Milford and zoning changed to C1 Milford City Council approved a request from Walter and Sharon Feindt to annex vacant property on South Rehoboth Boulevard and to change the zoning from AR1 to C1 residential. The property is currently under contract for purchase by the developers who are …
Council approves investigation of annexation request
After a unanimous vote, Milford City Council approved a request from Walter and Sharon Feindt to allow the Annexation Committee to investigate the annexation of three parcels of land on the east side of Rehoboth Boulevard, The property butts up against Windward on the River, a mixed-use development. “This land is currently zoned as Agricultural Residential (AR-1) and the land …