File photo: 2017 Graduates at Milford High School.
At their regular board meeting, the Milford School District Board of Education heard from Jesse Parsley, Principal of Milford High School, how the school planned to handle senior events that occur during the spring. Due to COVID restrictions, events for the 2020 school year were held virtually although the district was able to hold an in-person graduation event.
“We were one of the few last year, especially with a large graduating class of more than 200, who were able to have an in-person graduation,” Dr. Kevin Dickerson, Superintendent, said. “It was a great evening. We are still waiting for guidance from the state about spectators and things like that, but we do think we already have a plan from last year that will hold true again next year.”
Parsley stated that the schools are expecting guidance from the state at any time that will outline how events held at schools may be expanded. He explained that there was a possibility that more family and parent participation would be permitted as COVID numbers continued to decline.
“We also understand that some of our families may still be apprehensive about attending a large event,” Parsley said. “For those families, we are hoping to still provide them with individual ceremonies like we did last year.”
Dr. Dickerson explained that high school staff used Briggs Stadium last year to allow students who were uncomfortable attending the larger ceremony to walk the green, receive their diploma and have photos taken in the stadium with only their family present. The school plans to create a similar situation for students who are graduating in 2021.
Other events such as the Senior Awards Ceremony have not been scheduled at this time as the schools are still awaiting guidance from the state. If a live ceremony cannot be held, the district will look into virtual events.
Spring sports began the last week of March and Parsley stated that students as well as coaches were working hard.
“At this point, we are allowing two guests per athlete,” Dr. Dickerson said. “WE do have more conference schools doing the same. If you may recall, we had been very restrictive in the fall and the winter, generally we did not have the opportunity for families to watch their student. However, we have worked together in order to allow more visitors, especially being outside with spring sports. WE will get a gauge the next few weeks to see if we may be able to open it up even more.”
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