Bicycle Master Plan North Milford

City agrees to Phase II of TAP Project

Terry RogersGovernment & Politics, Headlines, Milford-live

Bicycle Master Plan North Milford

Diagram of proposed bicycle and pedestrian upgrades in north Milford (Photo courtesy of the City of Milford)

Milford City Council recently agreed to enter into an agreement with DelDOT for the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) project along Northeast Front Street. The project was included in the city’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). In addition to Northeast Front Street, projects are planned for Northwest Front Street and South Walnut Street.

“Back in September 2022, we made an application for Phase II of Northeast Front Street along with five other projects that were listed in the CIP,” Rob Pierce, City Planner said. “This particular project would include bicycle and pedestrian improvements as well as traffic calming measures on Northeast Front Street from Northeast Fourth Street to North Rehoboth Boulevard. It would be an extension of Phase I which is nearing completion.”

According to Pierce, the cost of the project is covered 80 percent at the state level, requiring the city to fund only 20 percent. The anticipated cost for the entire project is $1.7 million with the city portion around $350,000. Pierce stated that the project is consistent with the city’s Bicycle Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. It is also part of the city’s goal to improve bicycle and pedestrian connectivity in Milford. Pierce explained that, eventually, there would be bicycle and pedestrian paths throughout northern Milford.

“This northern loop leads out to Route 1 toward Silicato Parkway, up to the high school football fields and then other areas that are already in DelDOT’s programming. This would get us to Rehoboth Boulevard and DelDOT is currently designing a road improvement project from Rehoboth Boulevard to where they left off with the overpass project,” Pierce said. “They are also including a bike path along the school district property on Northeast 10th Street. We also got funding from DelDOT to construct a bike path from going out Northwest Front Street toward Route 113.”

The bike and pedestrian path on Northwest Front Street would run from the Parson Thorne Mansion, past the firehall and Milford Plaza Shopping Center. It  would then continue to the Bayhealth Property on North Street, along the frontage of the community cemetery and up along Milford High School’s campus. Pierce stated that there are also TAP projects planned for the downtown area.

Council approved the request to enter an agreement for Phase II of the TAP project unanimously.

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