Franklin Street

Duplex approved on Franklin Street

Terry RogersBusiness, Government-Dev, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Franklin Street

Milford City Council approved a request to build a duplex on this lot in Milford (Photo courtesy of Google)

Milford City Council recently approved a request from Bay to Beach Builders to construct a duplex on the north side of Southeast Second Street between Franklin and Montgomery Street. Each side of the duplex will be for a single-family dwelling. Council had to approve the request as a semi-detached dwelling is a conditional use in the property’s zoning.

“We are requesting approval for this dwelling as it blends well with the other existing structures in the vicinity,” John Sarcavage, representative of Bay to Beach Builders, said. “We are confident that the design of this structure and the quality of the structure will become an asset to the community.”

Councilman Dan Marabello questioned what the new building would be attached to since it was a semi-detached dwelling. Sarcavage explained that it was actually two dwellings since it was a duplex.

According to the staff analysis provided with the request, Bay to Beach Builders will be required to construct a new sidewalk on the entire frontage and replace sidewalks that are in poor or failing condition. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request with a vote of five to zero.

“This meets the setback of 30 feet and the maximum allowed lawn coverage of 40 percent,” Councilwoman Nirmala Samaroo said. “They are also required to construct a new sidewalk along the frontage as well.”

Councilman Brian Baer stated that he was in favor of the request as it would upgrade the Third Ward and improve housing stock in Milford. Councilman Marabello agreed that the new duplex would offer affordable housing and improved on a lot that was currently vacant.

“I vote yes to the motion,” Councilman Mike Boyle said. “The proposal is consistent with conditional use for the site and the surrounding units. I also would like to remind them that the additional use that was approved by the planning commission for sidewalks should be in effect.”

There was no public comment for or against the request during the public comment portion of the discussion. Council approved the request unanimously.

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