PP ribbon cutting

Ribbon cutting held for People’s Place II

Terry RogersHeadlines, Health, Milford Headline Story

PP ribbon cutting

Photo from L to R:  Milford City Councilman Brian Baer, Emma Bailey, Kim Rigby, Robin Twilley, Karen Judd, DJ Hall (hiding), Ann Southard, CCGM Treasurer George Hufnagel, CCGM Secretary Jennifer Jurczak, Mildred Jones, Christina Jones-Bey, CCGM President Angel Hodges, Christina Jones Bey, Rachel Burwell, PP Executive Director, Mamie Charest, Caitlyn Gerkin, Angela Serrano, Blanche Creech, Vickie Foxwell, Keith Kaufman, Karen Guyer, Ashley Parker, Linda Shivick, Beverly Lawson, Stacey Lawson, Tina Camper, Honorary Mayor Justin Walker. 

The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford, friends and family recently celebrated a 50th Anniversary Celebration & Ribbon Cutting Celebration with People’s Place II, Inc. in Milford, Delaware.

People’s Place is dedicated to becoming the agency of choice to help people find their path to growth and independence.  They assist the people of our community by providing high-quality services that promote:  dignity, empowerment, independence, safety, self-esteem, and self-sufficiency.

For more information on how People’s Place II Inc. can assist you, please give them a call at 302-422-8033 or peoplesplace2.com

For information concerning the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford call 422-3344, visit our website www.milfordchamber.com or find us on Facebook.

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