Milford Public Library will hold a Black History presentation in partnership with the Milford Museum which will tell the history of African Americans in Milford. The program will begin at 6 PM in Lions A and B on February 16. “This program will feature local historians who will tell their experiences and provide details on what it was like for …
Milford 11 plaque to be preserved during MMS renovations
Inside the lobby of the former Milford Middle School is a plaque dedicated to the Milford 11, the first African American students to attempt integration of Milford High School in 1954. With the interior of the building scheduled for a complete overhaul, some have asked the school district what will happen with the plaque. “We have reached out to members …
Milford School District referendum passes; historic site will be saved
A voter enters the polling place to vote in the 2021 Milford School District referendum. Students will once again walk the halls of the historic Milford Middle School thanks to local residents voting overwhelmingly in favor of the school district’s referendum. The referendum passed with 1,398 (67%) voting in favor of the measure and just 695 (33%) against. The building …