Under Milford City Code, the mayor and the city clerk must officially sign a tax warrant authorizing the city to collect taxes in all four wards. The tax warrant must state information about the tax rate, assessed values and the amount of tax to be collected. “Under the city charter, we have compiled the tax warrant which authorizes us to …
Sobiech completes Eagle Scout project
Adam Sobiech wanted to do something that would have a positive impact on the community. In a conversation with Nancy Wagamon, who manages the Milford Community Garden, Sobiech learned that although building an accessible walkway through the garden would be beneficial, the legal requirements of meeting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) were too complex for a young group of …
Community garden is entering its fifth season
Milford Community Gardens is entering its fifth year next to the former Milford Armory Each year, the Milford Community Gardens has become increasingly popular. From the impacts of inflation, shortages on fertilizers, and supply chain issues, MCG expects to be very busy this growing season. While it has always been the vision to be a place of retreat and sanctuary, …
Milford Community Garden receives upgrades
Milford Community Gardens, located next to the Milford Armory Community Building, recently received two donations designed to educate the community on farming methods that protect the environment as well as provide additional options for those who use the gardens to enjoy them throughout the year. Josh Nash and Mike Rivera built a 3-bin composting structure from pallets donated by a …