Sharps Farm Park

Parks, bathroom issue discussed at council meeting

Terry RogersCulture, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Prior to the swearing in of new member of Milford City Council, Larry Passwaters spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting regarding a park planned on the Sharp property the city purchased several years ago. Passwaters was concerned about the amount of concrete and parking planned as well as the fact that the city needed a new trash …

Downtown Restroom Public Location Choices

Downtown restroom purchase delayed for second time

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

For the second time, Milford City Council voted to table options that would bring a downtown bathroom to Milford. At a previous meeting, council requested that Director of Public Works, Mike Svaby bring back additional options for the restrooms with additional stalls and larger layouts. “I’m here tonight in follow up to a September 25 council meeting where I presented …

Cortez Restroom

Council asks for additional options for downtown bathroom

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

One of the items requested in a recent survey of needs for the downtown area was a public restroom. At a recent meeting, Public Works Director Mike Svaby brought a request before council to approve the purchase of a prefabricated restroom at a cost of $155,000 that would include two unisex stalls that would be placed in Memorial Park, across …

IMG 2952

Public bathrooms coming to downtown Milford

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Two interns with the University of Delaware, Alexander “AJ” Nash and Nate Wolhar presented information on two public bathrooms that are planned for the downtown area. The presentation was the result of several public meetings where residents and businesses were able to provide their input into the location, size and style of the public restrooms. “The purpose of this presentation …