Laurel School District will have remote learning Friday due to staff shortages.

Laurel to go asynchronous due to staff shortages

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Another school district in Delaware is holding an asynchronous learning day due to a large number of staff expected to be absent.  Laurel School District announced Tuesday that “after reviewing staff attendance and considering our capacity to maintain a safe and effective learning environment, the district has made the decision to transition to an asynchronous learning day for both students …

A new survey shows that school climate has had an effect on teachers, perhaps pushing them away from the field in Delaware. (Photo by Media_Photos/Shutterstock)

Survey shows majority of teachers dissatisfied, likely to retire early

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

A lot of the state’s teachers are concerned about the working conditions in schools, and new survey results shared at a state committee meeting Monday night put hard data behind those claims.  The survey was presented at the Student Behavior and School Climate Task Force meeting. That group, created in March, is made of government and educational officials as well …

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School pay committee sets raises for secretaries, custodians

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

The Public Education Compensation Committee voted Monday on recommendations for how to raise pay for school employees other than teachers, but including secretaries and custodial positions. The specific group is cited under Delaware Code Sections 1308 and 1311.  The committee agreed to condense the five secretarial positions – clerk, secretary, senior secretary, financial secretary and administrative secretary – into three, …

The Public Education Compensation Committee will recommend a four-year timeline to increase teacher's starting salary. (Pexels)

Heated debate ends in vote to raise teacher pay over 4 years

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

Defying the demands of the  state teachers union, a committee formed to make recommendations on educator pay voted Monday to bring teacher’s starting salary to $60,000 over four years rather than three.  The four-year plan will consist of a 2% salary increase and a flat dollar increase of $1,875 to the base salary for teachers, nurses and administrators each year …

Delaware schools have hundreds of openings as students return for the 2022-23 year.

Delaware schools need 500 teachers. Here’s where

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Education

As the academic year gears up, Delaware schools still have more than 500 teacher vacancies to fill.  “We think about it as a perfect storm of conditions,” said Stephanie Ingram, president of the Delaware State Education Association.  Schools expected to have a higher than normal number of retirements, partly because of the stresses of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.  This …