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City of Milford invites Public to S. Walnut Street Traffic Calming & Bike/Pedestrian Concept Plan Open House

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story, Uncategorized

The City of Milford will host a public input meeting on Thursday, Dec. 15 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at City Hall, 201 S. Walnut Street, Milford, DE.  The City and its traffic engineering consultant, Century Engineering, Inc., will be available during the two-hour period to gather feedback on a proposed S. Walnut St. Traffic Calming & Bike/Pedestrian Concept …


Milford requests DelDOT study to slow traffic on Walnut Street

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     This section of South Walnut Street could see traffic calming devices which may include all-way stop signs to reduce speeding At a recent meeting, Milford City Council voted to allow the city engineer to request DelDOT conduct a traffic study on South Walnut Street in an effort to reduce speeding on the southern section of …