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[pdf-embedder url=”https://milfordlive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/MilfordLive-Sept-28.pdf” title=”MilfordLive Sept 28″]This Week’s Top Stories Include:
Council approves zoning change for Fry Farm
St. Paul’s plans Revival for Survival
For many artists, Firefly first live show since start of COVID-19
East Gate Farms offers fall decorating tips
Kiss My Axe brings stress relief to events
Get ready, Del.: 10-digit dialing requirement starts Oct. 24
Government & Politics
Council hears economic development update
COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations drop a bit during last week
Delaware tells vaccine providers to give booster doses to those eligible
Delawareans warned to protect themselves from mosquito bites
Chancery Court won’t force ChristianaCare to give COVID patient Ivermectin
Field Hockey Beginning to Mesh
Police & Fire
American Police Hall of Fame and Museum honors MPD Sr. Corporal Timothy Webb
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