Hagley Museum

Strategic plan adopted by council

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

Hagley Museum

More parkland was one of the items citizens requested as part of the strategic plan recently adopted by the City of Milford

At a recent meeting, Milford City Council adopted a strategic plan that is designed to guide activities for the next five years. For the past year, the city has been working with the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration through the University of Delaware to create an updated plan with input from council and the community.

“The years worth of research started in October of last year, we took a lot of public input during that timeframe, used a lot of data from our National Citizen survey in order to put together our strategic plan that will guide us over the next five years,” Mark Whitfield City Manager, said. “So tonight’s the night and council can take action by adopting the plan. But first, we’d like to give the public one more chance to comment on anything that may be able to plan.”

Bill McGowan with the University of Delaware, who helped develop the plan, explained that a lot of work went into creating a plan that he felt would have the support of council and the community.

“You have a great community, and we got a lot of input which hopefully we translated or transferred that all into the strategic plan. You had a good one going and we just reinforced what you had brought to the top some of the things that you’ve already heard tonight,” McGowan said. “You need to focus on your bike plan and your Downtown Redevelopment Plan. And you’ve got principles in the plan, and as I said the last time, basically, strategic plans are touchstones, they’re the things you’re going to dust off every quarter with your matrix and kind of say, are we really doing the things that we need to do? And you’re a very busy town and so touchstones are important, and I hope this helps you as you move forward.”

Councilman Mike Boyle asked that two photos in the plan be updated. One still showed Georgia House which closed many years ago and was now La Hacienda. The other had COVID restrictions which no longer applied. Councilman Andy Fulton asked if those corrections would be made before the plan was published and Whitfield stated they would. Councilman Brian Baer commented that he had some minor changes he wanted to make to the plan, but he did not have them with him. He felt the plan could be approved with a motion that included minor changes that would be forthcoming.

“I just want to comment for Bill McGowan. The hard work that went into doing this thing and the length of time it took and he was on top of it throughout the entire process,” Councilman Boyle said. “It’s a really good report. Thank you from at least me, and I hope to look forward to I do look forward to working with you again on projects.”

Councilman Fulton also commended the group who put the plan together.

“I was speaking to some of the people that were on some of the teams, some of the people had submitted information and not only did the teams do what they were supposed to do, they also came back for other teams as well, because they found the process interesting,” Councilman Fulton said. “So, I think it was a good reaching out to build it. I think the workshops were good and I’m very happy with the product. And if I can just ask the edits [Councilman Baer] is going to do, are they typos, administrative type edits? Are they something do with the meat and potatoes? How’s that? Because I can’t make a motion and then say “Oh, by the way, there might be some meat and potato changes to this.” So, we probably need some clarification.”

Councilman Baer stated that it would be minor edits.

“Just one more, since we’re holding you up with just one more comment, that this strategic plan was piggybacking off of the input from the citizens that came out in the work groups and all the like,” Councilman Jason James said. “This really demonstrates a government plan, that is by the people, for the people. It says the people said they want it, these are things that the citizens said they want the city to focus on and get done in the next five years. Mark is going to make it happen, but he’d make it happen with the assistance of the input from the people and council representing the will of the people. So, this is absolutely wonderful, wonderful product.”

McGowan praised his team, stating that he was the one who stood before them, but it was his team who created the document.

There was no public comment regarding the plan and council approved it unanimously with the stipulation the two photos would be replaced and the minor edits provided by Councilman Baer would be included before the plan was published.






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