Free meals for all students would come at a cost of about $40 million a year for the state of Delaware.

Despite financial concerns, bill giving free meals to all students moves on

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

A proposed law in Delaware would provide free breakfast and lunch to all students – with a price tag of $120 million over the next three years – moves on after debate. House Bill 125, sponsored by Rep. Sherae’a Moore, D-Middletown, sparked a healthy discussion in the House Education Committee meeting Wednesday. The bill points out that during the pandemic, …

The proposed legislation would legalize a method of burial called natural organic reduction.

Proposed law offers look at another ‘natural’ burial method

Jarek RutzHeadlines, Government

Delaware’s lawmakers are ironing out the details of an increasingly popular way Americans have dealt with death: allowing the body to naturally return to the soil.  It’s one of a variety of ways to deal with bodies other than the modern, and costly, traditional services involving embalming and burial in a big casket. Eco-friendly methods of burial are becoming more …

No means testing is done for the disabled veterans and senior property tax credits. (Unsplash)

Legislators call for means testing for property tax credits 

Jarek RutzEducation, Headlines

Calls to consider means testing before granting veteran and senior housing tax breaks shocked a legislative committee last month. Delaware’s secretary of finance doesn’t think an income-based means test for property tax breaks is likely.  Even so, Rick Geisenberger did say that a means test based on property values not only could happen, but should.  “Seniors get a lot of …