statewide GOP success

Shupe overwhelmingly wins reelection

Terry RogersAbove the fold, Government, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

After winning in the primary by just 12 votes, Bryan Shupe saw a much different vote count in the general election. The incumbent representative for the 36th district defeated challenger Rony Baltazar Lopez by more than 3,000 votes. This will be Shupe’s third term as a state representative. “This community has shaped me, and it’s a privilege to continue serving …

Pine Haven

Pine Haven residents take unsafe conditions to County Council

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

On January 3, residents of the Pine Haven development, located on Pine Haven Road near Lincoln, took complaints of unsafe conditions to Sussex County Council. Residents claim that their water is unsafe for consumption, some have no running water at all and there is raw sewage on the ground in some areas. “I’m here on behalf of the residents of …


KSI Receives Donation from Sussex County Council for Arts Program

Terry RogersCharity, Culture, Delaware Nonprofits, Headlines, Milford Headline Story

KSI received a generous $1,750 donation from the Sussex County Council to fund an arts program with Art Works for All at KSI’s Southern Campus in Georgetown. This program provides a unique and exciting experience through the visual arts and adds great value to KSI’s programming day. KSI, a not for profit agency, provides vocational training, employment, community integration, transportation, …

County Seal 1

Milford may receive up to $500,000 from Sussex County

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines

by Terry Rogers     Milford could see a grant in the amount of $500,000 from Sussex County In early March, Sussex County Council voted to earmark more than $12 million in realty transfer taxes (RTT) to assist municipalities throughout the county. Milford was notified that they were eligible for between $100,000 and $500,000 that may be used for public …

City Hall 8

Community Block Grant Program provides funding for home improvements

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines

Milford City Council held a public hearing on Monday, November 8 to provide information about the Delaware Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. The program operates with the cooperation of Sussex County Council, Kent County Levy Court, Delaware State Housing Authority and local municipalities to provide over $2 million in grants to low- and moderate-income property owners whose primary residences …

a sign in a field

Slaughter Beach approves sewer district resolution

Terry RogersBeaches, Headlines

Slaughter Beach has issued a resolution to Sussex County to establish a sewer district which could bring a centralized wastewater system to the coastal community. Slaughter Beach Town Council recently approved a resolution that will be sent to Sussex County asking them to establish a sewer district in the small beach town. According to Mayor Kathleen Lock, if the resolution …