
Council approves 2023 audit

Terry RogersGovernment, Headlines, Milford Headline Story


Milford City Council approved the FY23 audit at a recent meeting

Milford City Council approved the 2023 audit report at a recent meeting. Although the 2023 audit was completed later than normal, it was finalized six months earlier than the 2022 audit. The delay was related to a new auditing firm as well as changes to technology in the finance office.

“We should be even further ahead with the 2024 audit,” Finance Director Lou Vitola said. “We had a finance committee meeting prior to the council meeting and the auditors presented their findings.”

According to Vitola, the auditors found no issues with the finances of the City of Milford.

“I am happy to report the auditors provided us a clean audit report and that means there are no material statements or omissions,” Councilman Jason James, who heads the finance committee, said. “The auditors did a very good job of giving us a walk through and providing us details of their findings. All issues have been addressed and there are no disagreements among management about their findings.”

James stated that Vitola was able to provide details regarding some of the changes recommended by the auditors and that the changes were merely for accounting purposes. Council had no questions related to the audit and it was approved unanimously.

The 2023 audit report can be found on the city website under City Council Packets and scrolling to page 53.

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